對我而言 當然是史上最大間 IKEA
台中文心公園店開幕 我已經搬到台北了~
逛的真舒暢 吃的很愉快~ˇ當地物價 算物超所值!~
真想包個貨櫃帶回家~特別是廚具 寢具 衛浴~
印象中 台北的宜家居 不便宜阿~
很想在陽台放個躺椅看書~這裡買背上 飛機嗎?
搭著13號公車 來到這個算是 shopping more
after i vivisted the EKIA , I was tired enough
When I were looking around the nearby , there are many interesting stores.
One house was saling for BBQ of products! Another was saling for car of products! Both there are large shoping more!
Even I am interesting in the both , I could not take them on airline!
So~I close the mind~~But another one should go to surround one time at least.
Most of popular brand of clothes are there~
I am lucky~During the weak time of a month, I pass the time safty and health!
And I bencome an Europnen now ~the same day and night.
I also maintain sleep over 8 hours~10 h is very comfortable in the country of winter forever!
哈哈~I am not a night person!